Metal Scrap loadout system (with scales)
Industry: Automotive Supplier
Application: Stamping
Material: Carbon Steel
Product: Steel belt conveyor, scrap load out system
A major automotive supplier had four main conveyors that dumped into four separate containers outside their facility. The scrap hauler was responsible for taking each of these containers to a central location, dumping them onto the ground and loading the scrap into a truck trailer via an electro-magnet and crane. This operation was expensive and the customer paid for it in low scrap pricing from the scrap dealer.
- Main collection conveyor that collects the scrap discharge by each of the four main conveyors.
- Automatic shuttle conveyor load out system.
Key Features
- The new system does not require operator input.
- It automatically notifies scrap hauler when a trailer is full.
- Trailers are determined to be full based on volume or weight (scales).
Customer Benefits
Lower labor and transportation costs mean that the scrap hauler now pays much more for their scrap.
Payback for this system was less than two years.